Confident Communication
Confident Communication

BizEnglish = Coraline C Reeder, BBA
BizEnglish = Coraline C Reeder, BBA
Having been passionate about languages since I was very young, I have been lucky enough to be able to turn that passion into my work!
I have ample experience writing copy and translating for clients in many sectors. In the past, I have worked, studied and volunteered in the UK, Canada, the US and Australia, which gives me a great insight in the cultures of the (English-speaking) world. Teaching TESOL to students of many nationalities has further strengthened my international scope.
Being bilingual, I feel I am especially qualified to build bridges between various language speakers. I am a great organiser and I like to think outside the box. My style of teaching and coaching is engaging and personable and I am a great believer in celebrating successes together.
Mission BizEnglish
I want to improve people's performance and self- confidence by sharing my knowledge and life- experience through genuine contact and a structured way of working.
Missie BizEnglish
Ik wil mensen beter laten presteren en een beter gevoel over zichzelf geven door via oprecht contact en gestructureerd werken mijn kennis en levenservaring te delen.